Jul 4, 2020
James Rosebush, a former Deputy Assistant to President Reagan, is on the show to discuss his book, Winning Your Audience. He shares tips to sound more like Reagan, the great communicator.
Key Takeaways:
[2:30] Reagan, the great communicator, loved his audience. This was his secret to success as a speaker.
[8:20] Speech abilities given to Reagan because of his history as an actor.
[12:00] Some tips to speak a little more like Reagan.
[16:00] Visualize what you want to give brilliance to your speech.
[18:00] The experience of being blessed by the Pope.
[19:00] 65% of communication is non-verbal.
[23:00] If you speak from your heart, you will win.
[26:00] We need more speakers that are sherpas.
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